Thursday, February 02, 2006

Orient Longman, Trinity College tie-up on English exam, The Hindu 12-Apr-04

CHENNAI. April 11. Trinity College, London, has tied up with publisher, Orient Longman, to conduct `English for Speakers of Other Languages' (ESOL) examinations in the city, starting this year. This was announced on Saturday at the end of a workshop on Trinity's ESOL examinations.

"The time is right for Indians to recognise that they can have a benchmark for English language speaking skills in India," says Clinton Rae, director of Language Examinations, Trinity College.

The college will conduct Graded Examinations in Spoken English (GESE) and Integrated Skills in English Examinations (ISEE) for those interested in getting a certification for their language skills.

Students, according to their proficiency level in English, as ascertained by teachers at Orient Longman, will take their GESE examinations under the Grade they fall into.

"There are 12 Grades - the first is for beginners while Grade 12 is the benchmark that matches skills of native English speakers," Mr. Rae said.

The ISEE examinations are for those wishing to record their proficiency and achievements in English. The GESE tests will be conducted through personal one-on-one interviews.

"There are about 300 of us, who examine students all over the world. I have gone to 14 countries myself," says Lynda Coney, senior examiner from the college.

"We're experienced in dealing with students across age groups. My youngest candidate was seven-years-old and the oldest 76," she said.

Trinity College has been testing language skills for more than 60 years and conducting examinations for students in the city in the disciplines of music, dance and drama, said B.M. Mohammed Ali, vice-president, Languages and Literature Division of Orient Longman.

For more details click: exams@orientlongman.com.

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